How to Download Netflix on Mac?
by Akcent Aug 16, 2018
How to Download Netflix on Mac

How to Download Netflix on Mac

The internet has rapidly changed our world and it has a deep impact on our lives. It not only enhanced our intellectual curiosity but also has become a proper medium of entertainment. It is currently challenging the current status of entertainment media in the form of Tv, Radio or Cinema halls. Most of the people on these days, stay tuned for the Internet to get their entertainments as it has varied and diverse content compared to traditional entertainment media Industry. The best example we have which has completed challenged the current entertainment modes is “ NetFlix “.

NetFlix is one of the major streaming services providing company which allows the user to watch a variety of content, whether it shows, movies, documentaries or live sports matches by just through one internet connection. It was originally founded twenty years back to provide DVD services to its client, but over the course of time, it has evolved itself into a major entertainment providing giant. One can watch the shows of the Netflix without having a single commercial. Each month something new is added to the content, whether its TV shows, documentaries or movies. It only requires a proper internet connection can be viewed on TVs as well as PC’s or laptops. One can either download or watch the programs offline as well its prices comes with a proper budget. But despite that user do face certain issue one of the common issue faces by user while working with Netflix is how to download Netflix on Mac:-

  • First of all, Open your Netflix and choose any title to play.
  • Now a Silverlight dialog box will open, then select the button Install now.
  • Again, one has to open the Download page and then double click on Silverlight.dmg.
  • Then If you're using the Safari Browser, one has to click on the download pages which at the right corner of the browser.
  • In case of Firefox, the Download page will open a new and separate window will be located in the Dock.
  • In case of chrome, Download Page is under the windows drop down in the upper left.
  • Further one has to Right-click or hold the Control on your keyboard and select Silverlight.pkg file
  • Again select and Open the pop-up menu.
  • Further Select Open on the prompt that says Silverlight.pkg is not from the Mac App Store.
  • In case if you want to run the program one Opening Silverlight.pkg will always allow it to run on this Mac.
  • Afterwards the prompt will display the installation will be completed.